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All Wrapped Up
Morgan Harcourt;Laylah Hunter;Thea Hayworth;Gryvon
Life in Fusion - Ethan Day I adore the zaniness that is Ethan Day. I love Wade and Boone. I’ve fought my GR friend Monika for Boone and lost...but I’m holding fast onto Wade. Hear that? He’s mine! He is such a love and so in love with Boone it hurts. Ain’t love grand?

This entirely satisfactory sequel to Sno Ho took a little while to get to the inevitable climax and ‘facing the issues’ in Boone and Wade’s quick and lusty romance but the getting there was so very yummy and fun. I just love the snappy dialogue, Boone’s inner musings and snark, and the ambiance that Mr. Day gives us in this world: sweet, comfortable, wacky, loving, kind, and generous. And just the right amount of steamy, hot sexing goin’ on between these two guys -- like horny teen-agers when they get within five feet of each other. Both Boone and Wade have lost in love and suffered for it but they work towards each other and a chance at happily ever after... I’m hoping for another full sequel...and one including Boone's best bud, Gabe, and Chip, maybe?

Oh, and the mini-story-within-a-story? -- Boone is a fiction writer and the excerpts from his sci-fi adventure show us the sexual sparring between another cast of characters, Buck, Halo, and Gostric (love the names!) Hope Boone gets those books published! I’d buy one. Go Boone!