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All Wrapped Up
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Hot Head

Hot Head (Head #1) - Damon Suede I had to think about this one for a bit... Griff and Dante are NYFD with experience in the 9/11 attacks on the WTC -- so, I really liked the tie-in to that tragedy and how it affects their lives. These two guys really left me with a warm and fuzzy feeling at the end of this saga. Oh the ups and the downs and the all arounds. But what a delicious dish.

There were some ??? moments... at one point, Dante gets Griff to do a porn shoot with him so that he can get in his pants. Really? Wouldn't it have been easier to just ask him out? Ah...these guys...they are hawwwt, loves them some sexy-sex and the scenes where they FINALLY get it on both on camera and off are some of the scorchiest I've read! You've got to wait for it... but I really like Suede's writing style and the way we get to know these two characters, their friends, and their families before they hit the sheets. It makes us really care about where they go and how they get there. Looks like this is a series!