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All Wrapped Up
Morgan Harcourt;Laylah Hunter;Thea Hayworth;Gryvon


Savagery - Emma MacKenzie
3.5 stars

Dipping my toes into some het/rom/erotica...

Hey, there’s actually an interesting plot to go with the smut! Nothing shatteringly new, but a good well-laid plot with plenty of action. Lands plundered, bodices ripped, maidens despoiled...all in a day’s work for Vikings invading Normandy. And a feisty vixen who wants what she wants and gets what she gets. But dang, the guys sure are either 1. conflicted or 2.plain evil. No real complaints writing-wise except for the occasional modernism used (“blond chick”). Be warned that the ending is bittersweet at best.

Daydreaming...la-dee-dah...I could very well imagine a ‘Charles’ in the place of the ‘Cherine.’ Sammiched between lovely Erik and wicked Rolf...mmmm. Wait, wrong genre.

Erik the Axe...yum.
