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All Wrapped Up
Morgan Harcourt;Laylah Hunter;Thea Hayworth;Gryvon


Protection - S.A. Reid,  T. Baggins
I loved every bit of this, so very good… completely took me by surprise… it’s an historical prison romance; it is violent, hopeful, bittersweet. And so well rendered.

Set in early 20th century England, Gabriel and Joey’s story is told with the distinct voice of the time, straight-forward and dispassionate. The two men, incarcerated in a dismal prison, a post-Victorian hell-hole, become unlikely allies against all odds as they learn to protect each other. It is tense without angst, heart breaking without becoming maudlin, romantic without being emotionally manipulative.

I was blown away by the author’s other work (under the name T. Baggins) [b:Thirst|13638468|Thirst|T. Baggins|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1336429528s/13638468.jpg|19251423]-- a dark vampire story for vampires-- so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by the level of writing and storytelling, yet here is a different and equally engaging voice. Gotta read more by this author.

Oh, and the Coda. Brilliant.